More than 150,000 Oklahomans likely will face wither a 50% premium increase for their Affordable Care Plan (Obamacare) offered through Blue Cross Blue Shield for 2017. Or BCBS may exit the Oklahoma market and leave these families with no ACA commercial option.

Here is the story from Newson6:


In the last few weeks, Aetna and United Healthcare have decided not to participate in the national exchange for next year. Now, Blue Cross Blue Shield, the state’s largest and now only insurance provider in the program, is asking for a large rate increase.

If the federal government doesn’t approve it, there are worries they could drop out as well.

Since the launch of the Affordable Care Act, Blue Cross Blue Shield has been a part of the online exchange.

In May, the company filed paperwork for a rate increase averaging 50 percent in 2017. News 9 was told an amended request may increase rates even more. READ THE REST OF THE ARTICLE