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Obituary for John Luther Terrell of Depew, Oklahoma

John Luther Terrell (70) of Depew passed away December 13, 2016 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Funeral services are currently pending and will be posted as soon as arrangements are complete.

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Obituary for Dorothy Ellen Mayberry of Depew, Oklahoma

Dorothy Ellen Mayberry was born February 28, 1918 to Roy and Emily Ralston in Kellyville, Oklahoma. She departed this life Sunday, December 11, 2016 at the age of 98 years, 9 months and 13 days. Graveside services will be held at 2:00PM, Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at the Sunrise Cemetery in Kellyville, Oklahoma with Reverend David Taylor officiating.

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Obituary for Nellie Frazier of Bristow, Oklahoma

Nellie Frazier (81) passed away December 8, 2016 in Collinsville, Oklahoma. Funeral services are currently pending. A full obituary will be posted as soon as arrangements are completed.

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Obituary for Tommy Wayne Harrington Jr. of Bristow

Tommy Wayne Harrington Jr. (47) was born October 9, 1969. He passed away at his home in Bristow December 7, 2016. His funeral service is scheduled for 2:00PM, Saturday, December 10, 2016 at the Bristow First Baptist Church with Reverend Roger White officiating. Interment will follow at the Stroud City Cemetery. A full obituary will be posted as soon as all the information is received

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Obituary for John Barnes of Bristow, Oklahoma

John Lee Barnes was born February 8, 1958 to Jonathan Eugene Barnes and Freddie Mae Barnes. He departed this life December 5, 2016 at the age of 58 years, 9 months and 27 days. He was a 1976 graduate of Bristow High School. He moved back to Bristow in 2000. On August 25, 1985 John Barnes and Cheryl Green were united in marriage, they enjoyed 23 years together before her passing May 8, 2009.

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Obituary for Jo Ann Reed of Bristow, Oklahoma

Jo Ann Reed was born April 19, 1959 to Bennie Leon Reed and Willa Fern Braden in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She departed this life December 4, 2016 at the age of 57 years, 7 months and 15 days. She attended Bristow public schools. Jo Ann enjoyed anything outdoors such as hunting, fishing, trapping and playing with her dogs.

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Obituary for Danny Lee “Mississippi” Roberts

Danny "Mississippi" Lee Roberts was born December 12, 1956 to Earl and Bertha Roberts in Meridian, Mississippi. He departed this life November 21, 2016 at the age of 59 years, 11 months and 9 days. Danny Lee Roberts and Anita Sparks were united in marriage July 4, 1989. He was a self-employed heavy equipment operator. He enjoyed old cars and hot rods. He also loved spending time with the lights of his life, his granddaughters.

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Obituary for Alice Juanita Brown of Bristow, Oklahoma

Alice Juanita Brown (87) passed away November 17, 2016. Her services are currently pending. A full obituary will be posted as soon as arrangements are completed.

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Obituary for Alonda Woodberry of Bristow, Oklahoma

Alonda Woodberry (42) passed away November 17, 2016 in Sapulpa, Oklahoma. Services are currently pending. A full obituary will be posted as soon as arrangements are complete.

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Obituary for Aleta Schmitt of Bristow, Oklahoma

Aleta Schmitt was born February 17, 1934 to John and Ida Horn in Bristow, Oklahoma. She departed this life November 10, 2016 at the age of 82 years, 8 months and 24 days. She graduated from Bristow High School. On March 19, 1969 Aleta Horn and Gerald “Rocky” Folsom Schmitt were united in marriage. They enjoyed over 30 years together before his passing January 9, 2000.

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