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Posts tagged "Toni Godwin"

Bristow Social Services Holding Pulled Pork Fundraiser – And Open House

Work up a good appetite and place your order for a yummy Pulled Pork lunch nest Tuesday, April 18th. The Bristow Social Services folks will be holding their Pulled Pork Fundraiser from 11:00am - 1:00pm. Lunch will include a sandwich, baked beans, chips and a dessert. Cost is $7.00 a plate. You can pre-order or arrange for delivery by calling Faye Alexander at 918-367-5400 or Toni Godwin at 918-853-6870.

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It’s Official – Bristow Social Services Facility Dedicated

Lots of tears of joy on display yesterday as John Tidwell and several other Bristow Ministerial Alliance partners helped bless and dedicate the new Bristow Social Services building on South Chestnut. Dozens of other interested and active Bristow citizens came to share in the celebration and show their support for the important, and often life-changing, work of this wonderful organization.

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