We are really jazzed to announce that the new Bristow Community Calendar has now gone live on BristowBuzz.com. The events and meetings calendar offers a number of very cool features and views – that YOU control. Keeping Bristow area residents (and visitors) up-to-date with the goings on in and around Bristow is at the heart of our mission at BristowBuzz.

Whether the Bristow Chamber Annual Banquet, the Veterans Breakfasts, Tulsa Opera’s “A Touch of Class”, Rotary Club meetings, City Council, or the book signing at the library, you’ll find it here.

Among the views you can select is the Stream View pictured here (you’ll find it is a great option when viewing on your phone or other mobile device):


Here is the Agenda View (with listings expanded). You will see on the top right of the image below is the drop down menu where you can select HOW you want to view the calendar. Also be sure to check out the Posterboard View (my developer’s favorite):

Expanded Agenda View


You can also click on an Event Title (link) or the READ MORE link to view all the details:

Event Detail Page

We are pretty excited about rolling out the new calendar for you. Please play around with it and see what you like best.

A few final notes:

  1. If you have an event, group meeting, fundraiser or whatever, that you want to include on the calendar, let us know so we can add it. Call or text 918-630-7589 or email phil@itsallabouttown.com.
  2. We will be making a few limited ad / sponsorship spots available  – if you have an interest, just give us a call.
  3.  Please share the calendar with your friends! (THANKS IN ADVANCE)