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Hutchins Maples Matherly Funeral Home

Hutchins Maples Matherly Funeral Home

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119 N Chestnut St, Bristow, OK 74010

Serving Bristow Families For Over 90 Years. Our funeral home will strive to help your family create the most personal and meaningful tribute to your loved one. We acknowledge that we cannot make the pain go away, but through our efforts we can make the journey of grief less lonelyRead more 
Michael's Funeral Home - Bristow

Michael’s Funeral Home – Bristow

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130 W 8th Ave, Bristow, OK 74010

We offer professional guidance and personal and specialized attention before, during and after the loss of a loved one. Our reputation for honesty and integrity is very well-known, and it is our most valuable asset. Michael A Davis, Funeral Director. Call 918-367-2244