On Saturday, Kris Wyatt, Bristow’s resident yoga believer and promoter, will officially open her new yoga studio, Be Love. A full day of demos, classes, fun, food and new connections are in store for visitors, friends and the curious.
For Kris, this is ‘no dream come true’, rather a series of events and forks in the road that led her to this day and new beginning. Her first exposure to yoga came just a few years ago. She went to a class in Tulsa unsure of what to expect – I expect as many do in being introduced to yoga. She came out of that class and mused, “Holy cow, what just happened to my head?”. What happened was a new calm – a quieting of the ‘noise and clutter’ between the ears that so many of us experience much of the time. Kris went back for another class.
In time, Kris connected with Joe Picarole, creator of the I AM Festivals in Tulsa and now the Be Love Yoga Studios. There are many real health and physical benefits derived from asana (the physical practice of yoga), but what attracted and drew Joe Picarole – and later Kris Wyatt – to yoga was the larger practice and benefits of living in harmony within ourselves and others, an inner peace and quiet.
Kris has been holding classes for the past year here in Bristow and has found a loyal and, I think, thankful community of students – young and old, male and female. She related the story of one class (a chair class) where she had a number of older ladies attending. Range of motion, flexibility and balance are key ingredients and benefits to yoga. And falls are a huge fear for older folks. The group was a bit tentative and nervous at the beginning, all starting the class on their chairs. By the end of class every lady was off the chair and on the mats, having gained considerable confidence. As Kris says, “just breathe” – focus on that and shut out the rest. Kris says every class has a different feel and follows its unique course and dynamics. Still, she projects the benefits and attraction to Joe Picarole’s Be Love underlying themes and structure, bringing a whole mind | body | spirit approach to the practice of yoga.
Be Love Yoga Studio Bristow is Be Love’s first franchise operation! How cool is that – in Bristow? I think you will find Kris’ enthusiasm contagious. She is absolutely committed to bringing a top tier yoga experience to our small city. Just step into her new studio and you will see she is serious. It is beautiful – like Kris’s spirit! And on Saturday you can see it up close and learn more – hope you all can make it and help them celebrate their Grand Opening.
You can get all the details, times and event plans HERE. And be sure to check out Hannah Weigant’s wonderful mural covering much of the studio’s south wall – it’s awesome!

Hannah Weigant working on the wall mural. Ambience baby!

Nothing but Blue Skies and calm at Be Love Yoga Studio Bristow!